South African Townships One Community At A Time

How We Help

We help heal broken people and communities.

Assisting townships rebuild through education and grassroots projects.

Creating community leaders and helping them pass on their knowledge.
Transforming townships by helping rebuild their sense of community and restoring their identity in Christ is the heart of our missions.
Transforming townships by helping rebuild their sense of community and restoring their identity in Christ is the heart of our missions.
• Developing township leaders, supporting healthy missional township churches
• Establishing grassroots projects to poor and rural communities
• Empowering local leaders through family mentorship, outreach opportunities, and academic scholarships
Apartheid Effects on Townships By The Numbers
The Apartheid system that was once in place in South Africa has left many problems for the township communities. The lack of stability, structure and education resources has led many children to violence. Unfortunately, children are often surrounded by violence and are influenced to join gangs and pursue a life of abuse, crime and wrong-doing and distorting their sense of morality.
of Township South Africans are Unemployed
Of Township South Africans Entering Higher Ed.
of Township Children Grow-Up Fatherless
Transformation Stories
African Outreach
African youth reaching out to their local and international community transforms mindsets of poverty and community.
New Men
Transformation is when young men become examples of caring, integrity, and strength to the community.
Healing Brokenness
Smiles may hide pain, but brokenness run deep. At LSFM we believe in lasting healing and life after brokeness.
Africa 2 Asia
Transformation is when township young adults can volunteer abroad.
Marriage and Family
From single-mom school drop out to married business leader LSFM’s goal is to transform broken families into healthy relationships.
Women With A Mission
Transformation is when the most vulnerable sector is empowered to purse studies and careers.
African Servant Leadership
Transformation is when leaders serve the least in the community first.
Donated Building in Mfuleni
Transformation is when others donate a building for a community church.
Polynesian Arts
LSFM celebrates the world's nations and their cultures in the townships.
Ready To Help?
Join us in our fight to transform Township life in South Africa. 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes to helping our many programs and initiatives. Volunteer work is hands-on and occurs at a grass-roots level. Your gift can help bring lasting change!
Your donation helps fund our many programs and initiatives. We accept donations via Paypal which is safe and secure. We truly appreciate your generosity!

Interested in a once in a lifetime experience and making a real change? Contact us below and we’ll schedule a meeting with you asap!

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